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7 Steps to a Cleaner Carpet


These steps will help reduce dirt, soil, and bacteria from entering your home and soiling your carpet.

Having clean carpet is the first step to having a beautiful home. And keeping your carpet clean will also benefit the health of everyone in the home. But despite all your effort and energy to keep it clean, it eventually will become dirty over time.

The good news is that there are some easy and simple steps you can take to keep it looking clean for as long as possible.

Here are the seven steps to a cleaner carpet and a healthier home:

1. Take your shoes off before entering your home. There are not many things dirtier in your entire home than the soles of your shoes.

You know how dirty the ground that you walk on can be at even the cleanest of places. How many things have been dropped and spilled on the ground that you walk on?

If your focus is to keep your carpet as clean as possible, the first step is easy: take off your shoes as soon as you enter your clean home. Keep it simple. Have a little area where you take off and store your shoes when you enter the home.

2. Use absorbent door mats at all entrances. This is another excellent way to keep dirt, soil, and bacteria from ever entering your home.

3. Vacuum more frequently. Studies from the Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) have shown that "Proper vacuuming is the easiest and most effective way to keep carpets clean. Regular vacuuming can also have the largest impact on indoor air quality."

To help your carpets smell clean and fresh, you can also sprinkle some baking soda over your carpet right before you vacuum. Let it settle for a few minutes and then vacuum as normal.

4. Use a HEPA filter vacuum cleaner. While vacuuming is the most effective way to keep carpets clean, a HEPA Vacuum will take things to an entirely new level of clean. HEPA stands for High-Efficiency Particulate Air. This kind of vacuum contains filters that are capable of trapping extremely small, micron-sized particles. A true HEPA filter can trap 99.97 percent of all airborne particles larger than .3 microns.

5. Change your air filters more frequently. A lot of the bacteria and debris that gets trapped into your carpet comes in thru your air vents.

If your carpet has dark stains (sometimes even black stains) around the edges of your walls, under doors, or window frames, then you have filtration soiling. It happens when pollutants in the air get trapped in the carpet causing black stains. If you have filtration soiling, you need to improve the air flow in your home. One way to help reduction of filtration soiling is by having your air duct vents cleaned.

Smoke from candles, cigarettes, pipes, and cigars can also cause filtration soiling. Consider smoking outside or switching to an electric candle to prevent the filtration soiling.

Another easy preventative measure is to air out your home from time to time. Open the windows and door ways on a cool and windy day to help improve the home's air flow.

And of course, vacuum in those troubled areas where soiling can occur most often.

6. Hose down the outside entrances and exits. The majority of dirt and soil build up in your home will be by the entrances. This is just another step to limit the dirt, soil, and bacteria that is entering your home.

7. Get your carpet cleaned by a professional service every 6 to 8 months. The Valley's Best Cleaners expert technicians are experienced, professional, friendly, and focused on customer satisfaction. Our powerful truck-mounted steam cleaning machine is the final step to keeping your carpets looking beautiful and healthy.

The steam cleaning process injects a pressurized cleaning solution deep into the carpet. Then our machine will extract the solution along with the dirt and debris that were in the carpet. The water will penetrate the carpet fiber and loosen any embedded soil. It will remove oil and grease deposits. Our standard steam cleaning offer includes our special pre-treatment and rinse deodorizer.

These steps will help keep a lot of the dirt, soil and bacteria from ever entering your home...and whatever does make its way in will quickly get cleaned up! And clean carpet means a beautiful home and a healthy family.

Contact us today for more helpful tips and techniques to keep your carpet clean. And for a free estimate for any of our professional cleaning services.



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